Dance and Health Training


Dance and Health Training "Prevention, Performance Improvement, Recovery "
Learn more about the D.E. dance teacher certification referential

Dates : from Monday 3rd to Wednesday 5th July 2023

Location of the training : Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower in Mougins

Timetable of the training :
Day 1: 8.30am - 5.30pm, or 8.45am
Day 2: 9.30am-5.45pm, or 6.45am
Day 3: 10am-1pm, or 3 hours
Total hours of training: 18.5 hours spread over two days and one half-day.
The first two days of training can be split into two separate days.

Target audience and pre-requisites : State-certified dance teachers, health practitioners

Some modules of the training are common to both groups of trainees, others will offer a specific approach.

Health is seen as an integral issue in the professional practice of the dancer, from the time of training and throughout their professional career.

General training objectives :

  • To develop the dance teacher's skills in observing students, adapting and individualising their teaching

  • To give the dance teacher the first keys to take charge of the health of the dancers in his/her teaching, from childhood to adulthood

  • To give professional dancers the tools to take charge of their own health issues

  • To develop in the health practitioner the tools for effective care of dancers, from student to professional dancer

Educational objectives :

  • To improve the dancer's performance through a clear knowledge of the dancer's health, an understanding of appropriate physical preparation and the role of recovery in progression

  • Integrate the benefits of adapted physical preparation or practices related to dance (Pilates, physical preparation) to improve performance

  • To understand how better health management can improve dancer performance and to be aware of the role of the dance teacher/ballet master within a professional network (medical, para-medical, administrative...)

Teaching methods :
Observation of a classical dance class
Workshops, lectures, exchange of experience

Programme 2023 :

Day 1: Dance and health, what are we talking about? Definitions, issues, concrete implementation.

  • Observation of a classical dance class

  • Health at the service of performance

  • Discussions with a sports doctor specialising in the treatment of dancers

Day 2: Better physical and physiological preparation to meet the needs of dancers, psychosocial and neuropsychiatric impacts

  • Group workshops :

    Dance teachers: Conditioning and physical preparation

    Health practitioners: The dancer's body, its reality, its daily life

  • Psychosocial issues of health in dance

  • Neuropsychiatric factors determining dancer injury

Day 3: Prevention, recovery, progression

  • Group workshops :

    Dance teachers: What to do in case of injury in the studio

    Health practitioners: Dance workshop for all levels and evaluation tools

  • Debriefing of the training


Idir Chatar, professional dancer, former student of the school and doctoral student in training at the PNSD "Neuropsychiatric and motor determinants of injury risk in dancers: interest of artificial intelligence and physiological sensors".

Agathe Dumont, dancer and dance teacher-researcher, DE trainer, graduate in sports performance expertise, member of the board of the Association Danse Médecine Recherche (AMDRdance)

Chloé Saumade, dancer, osteopath, responsible for the ADMR Pôle Santé Danse association of the Rosella Hightower PNSD, members of the board of the Association Danse Médecine Recherche (AMDRdance)

Peter Lewton-Brain, former professional dancer, Osteopath, PhD Candidate City University London, Former President of the International Association of Dance Medicine & Science, Head of the Health and Performance team of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo, of the Association Danse Médecine Recherche (AMDRdance)

Marc Saramito, sports physician, specialised in the treatment of dancers

The pedagogical assessment of the training will be carried out with :

  • A collective exchange with the trainees at the end of the training,

  • Individual evaluation sheets,

  • A pedagogical assessment carried out with the trainers,

  • An overall evaluation based on all of these materials.

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is open to any specific request in case of disability, in order to facilitate your participation in our training courses.
Contact the Disability Officer :

Rates :
2.5 days 480€ for one day
1 day €250
Compulsory annual membership fee: 32€.

Possibility of being paid for in the context of continuing professional education

What trainees say...

Satisfaction rate of the trainees of the 2022 session
- Content of the training: 100%.
- Reception of the training: 100%.
- Result/benefit of the training: 100
- General satisfaction: 100%.
Rate of questionnaire participants: 70%.

Satisfaction rate of the trainees of the 2020 session
- Training content: 98.61
- Reception of the training: 100%.
- Result/benefit of the training: 93
- General satisfaction: 95
Rate of questionnaire participants: 100%.

What was most appreciated:
"The experience, the knowledge, the themes with the good complementarity between teachers/osteopaths"
"The focus on pedagogy
"The quality of the speakers".
"The development of new skills..."

59 continuing education trainees trained in 2021-22 at PNSD Rosella Hightower, an overall satisfaction rate of 84.60%

Registration form available soon.

For more information, contact Ms Nathalie Bauchez :