The Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower, as part of its activity as a professional training organisation registered with the DREETS, is developing an apprenticeship activity for the award of the National Superior Professional Dance Diploma (DNSPD). The young person benefits from specialised training, the pedagogy of which is based on concrete professional situations, leading to this diploma, which is recognised at a Bac+3 level at European level.
Find out more about the certification framework
Download the 2022-23 Apprenticeship booklet
Corresponding to the final year of training leading to the DNSP dancer, the training provided within the framework of the apprenticeship contract is based on the DNSP dancer's reference framework of competences and on the PNSD's accredited model. The professional character of the training is accentuated and is based on the experience gained in the company, supporting and completing it. The training provides diversity in terms of styles and choreographic universes by approaching other choreographers and repertoires than those worked in the company, in the field of classical and contemporary dance. The three main training objectives are :
To maintain and develop one's versatility as a dancer
To build autonomy in work in order to meet professional expectations
To acquire tools for professionalization
The training allows the 60 ECTS of the last year of the DNSP dancer cycle to be validated. On entry to the course, depending on the apprentice's course of study, a validation of previous experience will be carried out. If the 120 ECTS corresponding to the first two years of the DNSP dancer cycle are not validated, remedial modules will be offered to the apprentice. Each teaching unit can be validated independently and the ECTS acquired can be retained without time limit.
The CFA allows certain students, recruited on the basis of an audition by the companies, to spend their 3rd and final year of the DNSP Danseur cycle in alternation with an apprenticeship contract. Today, three dance companies are partners in the apprenticeship scheme with the PNSD: the Ballet National de Marseille, the Ballet Preljocaj and the Ballet du Grand Opéra d'Avignon. To access the DNSP Danseur training through the apprenticeship scheme, it is therefore essential to take part in the auditions organised by the companies mentioned above. The dates and procedures for the auditions will be available on the companies' websites.
Audition Apprentice Ballet National de Marseille, application deadline 9 February 2022
Audition Apprentice Ballet Preljocaj, application deadline 31 March 2022
The training lasts an average of 350 hours over twelve months (9 weeks), under the responsibility of a tutor. The training time in the CFA is concentrated on periods grouped together in order to adapt to the company's work schedule. The rest of the time the apprentice is in the company.
Start of school in early September 2022
The studies are entirely free of charge. However, the cost of accommodation, meals and transport is borne by the apprentice. A number of grants are available.
The age and the number of years of the contract define the level of remuneration of an apprentice on an apprenticeship contract. The calculation of the salary is based on the gross monthly minimum wage (1,554.58 euros on 01 January 2021). The salary levels are then categorised according to the age of the apprentice, over the third year of the apprenticeship.
Special support for apprentices
Aid for travel, housing, leisure, health... here
Housing assistance for young people here
Free use of the Métropole card (Aix-Marseille journey €2)
The culture pass of the Southern Region: 80€ for the purchase of books, tickets for shows, sports... here
The general information site dedicated to young people of the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports here
Other aids
Housing assistance - APL
It is a training system that is based on a practical phase in the company and a theoretical and practical phase in the training centre that alternate. It is a real gateway to employment and professional integration.
Training in the CFA provides diversity in terms of styles and choreographic universes by approaching other choreographers and repertoires than those worked on in the company, in the field of both classical and contemporary dance.
The PNSD Rosella Hightower is open to any specific request in case of disability, in order to facilitate your participation in our training courses.
Contact the Disability Officer :
In the performing arts sector, the employer structures are choreographic companies (subsidised or not), national choreographic centres (CCN), choreographic development centres (CDC), ballets of the Réunion des Opéras de France (ROF), multidisciplinary structures for the production and dissemination of the performing arts, whether or not they have a fixed location: national stages, city theatres or other agreed stages, operas, festivals, etc.; producers of musicals, private theatres, cabarets, etc. The dancer may also work in places that link the show to other activities (leisure parks in particular). In recorded entertainment, employers are audiovisual or film production companies. The status of these structures is varied: associations (the predominant form for companies), limited companies, direct management, public establishments, SCOOPs, etc. However, in all cases, these employing structures must hold a performance contractor's licence.
Even if the DNSP dancer is a professional diploma aimed at rapid professional integration, it is possible to envisage further studies after the diploma or in the case of a retraining. Masters in dance arts are a possible continuation, short courses or workshops for dancers intending to choreograph, training in Benesh or Laban movement notation, training for the state dance teacher diploma. The health professions in the broadest sense are also open to professional dancers with a diploma. The stage professions (technical, stage management, scenography) or the professions of the performing arts in general in the fields of administration, communication and public relations are possible avenues of further study for dancers.
>> Success rate for the DNSP dancer apprenticeship over the last 3 years
Year 2020/2021: 100% success rate
Year 2019/2020 (Covid year): 73% success rate
Year 2018/2019: 82% success rate
>> Employment rate immediately after the end of the apprenticeship year in the last 3 years
Year 2019/2020 (Covid year): 82%.
Year 2018/2019: 91
Year 2017/2018: 85%.
51 continuing education trainees trained in 2020-21 at PNSD Rosella Hightower, an overall satisfaction rate of 85%
For more information, contact Ms Amélie Clisson: