Dance Teacher Training
State Diploma

The Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower is authorised to deliver the preparatory training for the State Diploma of dance teacher (DE) in the 3 disciplines (classical, contemporary, jazz).
The State Diploma of dance teacher is compulsory for teaching dance in the classical, contemporary and jazz options.

·         The State Diploma of Dance Teacher is also available to choreographic artists with a reduced training of 200 hours. The Rosella Hightower PNSD responds to requests for collective training from dance companies or groups of dancers identified within a company in order to offer them a tailor-made training.
The prerequisite for access to the 200-hour course is at least three years' professional experience in a national ballet company in France or Europe. An authorisation to enrol in the course must be requested from the DRAC of your place of residence.

Consult the conditions of access to the 200h training : Consult pages 4 and 5 of the order of 23/07/2019
For further information : contact us

·         The state diploma of dance teacher being made up of 4 Teaching Units (TU) it is possible to validate each Teaching Unit independently.

·         3 theoretical UE : Anatomy-Physiology; History of dance; Musical training;

·         1 Pedagogy UE (in the option chosen by the candidate). To access the validation of the Pedagogy UE, it is necessary to have validated the 3 UE

To find out more about the certification framework and the hours in the programme.

For more information on the official texts governing the training and the State diploma for dance teachers (updated December 2021, see pages 154 to 188).

This diploma aims to prepare candidate professional or amateur dancers for teaching dance.

As such, it transmits the fundamental knowledge necessary for the autonomous artistic practice of students.

Depending on the case, it ensures activities of awakening, initiation, the conduct of an initial apprenticeship, in particular within the framework of the curricula leading to the certificate of choreographic studies of the establishments of specialized artistic teaching under the authority of the territorial authorities.Les objectifs de formation :

I- To have the necessary associated knowledge to transmit one's choreographic genre
A- Bring into play the fundamental and specific elements of his/her choreographic genre
B- Bring into play the anatomical and physiological knowledge of movement
C- Bring into play musical knowledge and knowledge of body rhythm

II- Develop a pedagogical project
A- Take into account the reality of the pupils
B- Take into account the characteristics of the subject being taught

III- Putting the pedagogical project into play
A- Build and lead a collective learning situation
B- Carry out learning sequences in their technical and artistic dimensions
C- Mobilise the associated knowledge
D- Evaluate
E- Engage in extended practices

Access is based on the Technical Aptitude Examination (EAT) or on a diploma for holders of the Diploma of Choreographic Studies (DEC) or the National Diploma of Professional Orientation in Dance (DNOP), obtained in a conservatory. Information on the 2022 Technical Aptitude Examination. The technical aptitude exam for the State diploma of dance teacher will be held remotely.

Registration deadline : Friday 4 February 2022

The 2-year training course is given on the higher education site entirely dedicated to dance in Cannes-Mougins by the permanent team of the PNSD Rosella Hightower, reinforced by guest teachers and lecturers.
It is composed of 4 teaching units: the duration of the training is a minimum of 600 hours.

Welcome back Friday 9 September 2022
Classes start Monday 12 September 2022

See presentation brochure 2022/23

> Excellent training in all three disciplines
> A unique and high quality teaching team, drawing on the expertise of the PNSD's permanent teachers and guest personalities from all walks of life
> Regular observation and practice with Rosella Hightower PNSD students, from initiation to advanced levels.
> Personalized follow-up with mid-course evaluations and mock exams to help students situate themselves and progress in the best possible conditions

By entering the Rosella Hightower PNSD to prepare for the State Teacher's Diploma (D.E.), students are assured of being able to prepare for their exams in the best possible conditions, alongside a competent team that listens to them, with the possibility of training with real students.

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is open to any specific request in case of disability, in order to facilitate your participation in our training courses.
Contact the Disability Officer :

The holder of the State Diploma of Dance Teacher works in different sectors :

  • Conservatories: see the brochure Teaching dance in the local civil service of the National Dance Centre

  • Schools

  • Sports or cultural associations: consult the brochure Teaching dance in the private sector of the National Dance Centre

A dance teacher has a progressive career. After some time of practice, he can evolve into a leader of extracurricular activities or work for himself by creating his own dance club.

Competitive examinations organised by the Ministry of Education to become a school principal or inspector are open to holders of the State diploma.

Further study :
> The Certificate of Aptitude as a dance teacher
> The D.U. Dance Health Aging

Consult the Ministry of Culture's Teacher Training page
Consult the brochure of the National Dance Center on the State Diploma of dance teacher.

Success rate for the State Diploma of dance teachers over the last 3 years :

  • Year 2021/2022
    1st Year (Theoretical courses; Anatomy, Music and History of dance): 90%.

    2nd Year (UV Pedagogy/Diploma): 81.25%.

Classical : 85.7% of the total
Contemporary : 100% of the total
Jazz: 66.7%.

  • Year 2020/2021 :

    1st Year (Theoretical courses; Anatomy, Music and History of dance): 86.5

    2nd Year (UV Pedagogy/Diploma): 40% for jazz options (no candidates in classical or contemporary)

  • Year 2019/2020 :

    1st Year (Theory; Anatomy, Music and History of Dance): 100

    2nd Year (UV Pedagogy/Diploma): 100% for classical and jazz options (no candidates in contemporary)

  • Year 2018/2019 :

    1st Year (Theory, Anatomy, Music and History of Dance): 100

    2nd Year (UV Pedagogy/Diploma): no candidates this year

51 continuing education trainees trained in 2020-21 at PNSD Rosella Hightower, an overall satisfaction rate of 85

For more information, contact the Arts Studies Department :