Friday 27th August

for professionals

2 pm - 6 pm

Saturday 28th August

for professionals

9 am - 6 pm

Sunday 29th August

Open to the general public

9 am - 12 pm

Schedules may be subject to change


Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Cannes-Mougins Rosella Hightower - 140 Allée Rosella Hightower, 06250 Mougins, FRANCE

The PNSD Rosella Hightower studios will welcome you provided with air-conditioning and hydro-alcoholic gel



0033 (0)4 93 94 79 80



conference, virtual sessions, round tables

& practical workshops

Participation by registration only (limited number of places)

French will be the principal language, but several speakers will be speaking in English with French translation.


  • Health professionals, care professionals, paramedics,

  • Participants in the D.U. Dance Health Aging (UCA)

  • STAPS students and graduates

  • Physical trainers, adapted physical trainers

  • Dance teachers

  • People suffering from the after-effects of Covid-19 (invited to participate on 29/08/2021)

  • … And who is simply interested



To apply

Download the form and send it by mail, attaching the fee, to :

Payment by cheque or credit card can be sent by mail or post, or directly to our site

Payments by credit card, made between 1 and 13 August 2021, will be invoiced at the return of summer holidays from 18 August.

Application deadline 20 August 2021

Exceptionally Registrations are accepted until Monday 23 August 2021 ! 


film "Dancing for health”

IADMS DFH film : Director & Editor: Alice Underwood, Coordinator: Emily Jenkins, Sponsored by Peter Lewton-Brain


Dance for Health

“How can dance help adapt to the persistent effects of Covid-19?”

The very topical theme of this year’s "Dance for Health"[1] Summer School organised by the world-renowned PNSD – The Rosella Hightower National Centre for Dance Excellence in Cannes (Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Cannes-Mougins Rosella Hightower), is: "How can dance help people to adapt to, and moderate, the persistent effects of COVID-19?”

In its quest to push the boundaries, PNSD has established programs, focused on the synergy and complex mutually beneficial relationship between dance and health.

These programs nourish an ecosystem with vibrant interactivity between professionals from the world of dance and science, through the Pôle Santé Danse, managed by ADMRdance (Association of Dance Medical Research). A team including PNSD's scientific advisor Peter Lewton-Brain, who is also Head of Health and Performance at Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, guides the team to explore the place of dance in the quest for a better quality of life through the convergence of health, art and science.

In the process of discovering new approaches to health through physical activity, this project was initiated through a partnership with UCA Université Côte d'Azur, in conjunction with the Global Action Plan to promote physical activity 2018-2030.

2021 sees the launch of an important new research program to study the lingering effects of Covid-19, from a bio-psycho-social perspective on the dance community and to eventually to explore how research on dancers can benefit wider populations.

During this Summer School, lectures, virtual sessions, roundtables and practical workshops will be presented to offer participants a place to meet and share experiences with an exciting group of multi-disciplinary experts in the field of dance and medicine.

These exchanges will also be an opportunity to learn more about the benefits of dance to improve the mental and physical quality of our daily lives.

In the perspective of adapting and using this very ancient and culturally rich art form, an integral part of all cultures and ethnicities, into a tool for influencing health (bio-psycho- social), we will be making tangible use of the latest dance as a health practice in our new socio-environmental world.




Bring together experts in the field of medicine, Dance for Health and dance medicine to share their insights and experiences.


Enlighten the essential questions around the persistent effects of COVID-19


the role Dance for Health can play in promoting physical, mental and social well-being.


« Cet événement a bénéficié d'une aide du gouvernement français, gérée par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche au titre du projet Investissements d’Avenir UCAJEDI portant la référence n° ANR-15-IDEX-01 ». 




[1] Dance for Health provides holistic, evidence-based activities for the individual to manage and adapt to physical, mental, and social health challenges. In Dance for Health sessions, trained teaching artists engage people as dancers, rather than patients, in joyful, interactive, artistic practice.