To obtain the National Superior Professional Diploma of Dancer thanks to the Validation of the Acquired Experience

  • You are a professional dancer and you can prove at least one year of professional experience (the activities may have been carried out continuously or discontinuously, full or part-time, paid or unpaid)

  • You can apply to the PNSD for the Validation of Experience to obtain the National Superior Professional Diploma of Dancer.

The PNSD does not offer VAE for the State Diploma of Dance Teacher. More information here

  • What is VAE?

    Obtaining a certification thanks to one's experience

    Any person, regardless of age, nationality, status or level of training, who can prove that they have at least one year's experience directly related to the qualification in question, can apply for VAE. This certification, which may be a diploma, a title or a certificate of professional qualification, must be registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP).

  • VAE is not :

    • an automatic conversion of experience into certification;

    • training.

  • It is distinct from :

    • the validation of professional experience known as "VAP of 1985";

    • the validation of higher education, known as "VES".

  • What is it used for?

    • To obtain certification

    • To make your certification consistent with your level of responsibility

    • To validate your experience for yourself

    • To have your skills recognised

    • To obtain a level of qualification allowing access to training at a higher level or to enter a competition

    • Change jobs

    • Develop professionally/get a raise or promotion

    • Develop your self-confidence

  • How does it work?

    You send the certifying authority (PNSD) a file describing your experience. Then, depending on the certification, you will be put in a professional situation in front of a jury or you will present your file to them. In both cases, the jury will talk to you and decide whether to validate your experience in full, in part or not at all. The whole process takes between eight and twelve months (from the definition of the project to the validation tests before the jury).

    The certification obtained through VAE has the same value as that obtained through training.

    Undertaking a VAE procedure is not just a formality; it requires real involvement and motivation to take up this challenge.

    If you are an employee, you can ask your employer for help if you wish. At no time are you required to inform your employer of the process.

  • Discover the stages of VAE

    1. Define your project

    2. Get information

    3. Be eligible to submit your first application

    4. Prepare for validation

    5. The final assessment

    A VAE process must be planned over time. Think of using a dashboard summarising all the stages!

  • What is the DNSP Danseur?

    The DNSP Danseur validates the acquisition of general and professional knowledge and skills corresponding to the practice of the profession of dancer. The DNSPD is registered in the Register of National Professional Certifications (RNCP) as a diploma of level Bac+3 (level II)

  • Find out more about the VAE process

  • FAQ Individuals > download the FAQ sheet

    In this FAQ you will find precise information on :

    • The general framework of VAE

    • Conditions of the experience: nature, duration, calculation

    • The financing of the VAE

    • The candidate and his employer


>> Success rate for the Validation of Acquired Experience to obtain the DNSP dancer in the last 3 years

51 continuing education trainees trained in 2020-21 at PNSD Rosella Hightower, an overall satisfaction rate of 85%.

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is open to any specific request in the event of a disability, in order to facilitate your participation in our training courses.

Contact the Disability Officer :